Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sri Guru Stotram

गुरुर्ब्रह्माः गुरुर्विष्णु: गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः ।
गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ।। (UTF-8 setting required for sanskrit/devanagari script)

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwarah
Guruh sakshat (also gurureva) Para Brahma
Tasmai Shree Gurave Namah

The Guru is none other than the creator, Lord Brahma (who creates the qualities of a good student and seeker in me),
he verily is Lord Vishnu, the preserver (who guides me as father and mother, holding my hand life after life),
and he is truly Maheshwara, the destroyer (who destroys my ego, my rajasic and tamasic attributes).
He is the supreme Brahman himself.
To such a Guru I offer my salutations.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

O Arunachala!

2006-04-04 3:48 PM

O Arunachala! Will You let me wither away
like a plant not watered.
I have left all, now You are all i can live on.
You are my food, Beloved One.

Will You stand silent like a hill
O Arunachala? Whilst I wither
Whilst life ebbs away in Your sweet memory

Oh what a fool i was, to be attracted to You
like a moth to a flame
there is no recourse for me now
but to wait.

But where is this fire (my saviour)?
O Arunachala? All i can feel is the heat,
the burning as though i am near it
I am singed beyond repair
but i am still not burnt.

What will the world say of You
O Arunachala? Of Your gentle kindness,
when they hear my sad lament.
Of how i wilted away into dry earth
for want of Your company.

Who will come to You again
My beloved Arunachala?
After they hear my sad tale.

How long will You hide inside me,
waiting for me to reach You
Knowing how weak I am,
Gentle Arunachala!

Who will believe that You are the
nature of all that is,
My Arunachala! The nature of bliss,
and most loving of all.
If You do not come to now,
when I am alone and needy of You.

O Arunachala, my very soul,
why do You hide from me
why play this game
why test me
I am not strong-willed like You.
I wish to be close to You
with You, part of You.

O Arunachala, the life of all there is,
I know that You are the life inside me,
I know You are myself
And yet You do not reveal Yourself.
I will wait still more
knowing how You love me,
and that You too are waiting for me.

All happinesses have left me, all joys
all other routes have abandoned me,
i am of no use to the ways of this world,
You are my only joy, and also my pain
O Beloved Arunachala! The only true Joy,
the only Path, the Father of all.

O Arunachala, be kind to all Your seekers
like a mother to her new-born,
Hold us to You without wait and sorrow
Longing for You is the greatest suffering
of all these lives.


Of all the temptations God has created for man,
You are the most dangerous and insidious, O Arunachala!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

O Arunachala Ramana!

Even though drenched in Your love
i am heartless with those who love me
O Arunachala! Destroy this ego
so i may too love others.

Even though bathed in the bliss of your presence
i am a source of suffering to others,
what a bad name i bring to You,
Help me, O Arunachala!

Drench with Your kindness
Those who love me,
Protect them from my heartlessness
O Arunachala, My very soul,
dearest to me, love those whom I hurt/(can't).

Take whatever merits i have earned
and bless them who have served me
with love and sacrifice,
Spare them, save their souls,
deliver them in this birth, O Arunachala!

And when they leave their bodies,
having suffered a whole lifetime
Be there to receive them
with love, as You would me,
O Arunachala, my forgiving One.

O Arunachala! Flood all beings with
Your love,
Haunt all beings with Your memory
Fill them all with devotion
So they may attain Thee,
O Arunachala Ramana!

O Arunachala Ramana, my very life,
Be the very life of all others,
so they may live in bliss,
whatever their situation.

Waive all karmas,
deliver all Now,
regardless of merits,
Be the bliss of all souls
Beloved Arunachala!

I feel so close to you,
and yet i feel so alone.
Open your doors, O Arunachala,
and burn me leaving nothing.

I have offered myself at your loving
feet, O Arunachala,
Accept me, without delay,
My suffering is for want of Thee.

O Arunachala! My Arunachala Ramana,
throwing Thy garland of wedding on my shoulders,
be gracious to wear this garland of letters of mine.

Sri Ramanashramam
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